Irish Championship 1975

[ Information | Pairings & results | Crosstable | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | Openings | Annotations ]


[ Basic data | Tournament review | Interesting games]

Basic data

Irish Championship 1975
Dates July 12-19, 1975
City Dublin
Venue St. Joseph's School for the Blind, Drumcondra, Co. Dublin
Organiser Unknown
Controller Chris Shouldice
Players participating 30
Games played 119
Competition format 8-round Swiss
Eligibility Exact eligibility unknown. No strict requirement for Irish birth or nationality, since Sai Prakash, an Indian student at T.C.D., played.
Tie break None; title shared
Time control 50 moves in 2½ hours, and 20 moves per hour thereafter
FIDE rated? No
Games available 14
Best Game prize McGuinness - Cummins, round 2 (“preented by Wolfgang Heidenfeld”)
Alan Ludgate
Above: Alan Ludgate after final round.
Concurrent events Irish Championship Open Tournament 1975; 1st-3rd John Brennan (U.C.D.), Martin Delaney (Kevin Barry), Greg Jackson (City of Derry); July 12-20, 1975; 6 rounds, 42 players (no games available)
References Sources and notes. If you have any other documents, reports, references, biographical information, annotations or (in particular) photos, please .

Tournament review

See "The Irish Championship 1975", Anon., CHESS, vol. 41, December 1975, pp. 93-96

Interesting games

         Prakash, Sai – Ludgate, Alan      1-0

         McGuinness, Oisín – Cummins, Jim      1-0

         Denny, Brian – Pinkerton, Arthur      0-1

         Wallace, Paul – Prakash, Sai      1-0

         McGuinness, Oisín – Delaney, Paul      0-1

         Ludgate, Alan – Keogh, Eamon      ½-½

         Delaney, Paul – Doyle, Tony      1-0

         McGuinness, Oisín – Ludgate, Alan      0-1

         Delaney, Paul – Ludgate, Alan      ½-½