Irish Championship 1971

[ Information | Pairings & results | Crosstable | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | Openings | Annotations | Sources ]


[ Basic data | Tournament review | Interesting games]

Basic data

Irish Championship 1971
Dates July 10-18, 1971
City Cork
Venue Lee Maltings, University College Cork
Tournament Director Maurice Coveney
Players participating 23
Games played 98
Competition format 9-round Swiss
Tie break Unknown
Time control Unknown
Games available 40
John Moles receiving the trophy from Maurice Coveney (Evening Echo, July 19, 1971 p. 12)

Photo of McCurdy - Henry game in progress (Evening Echo, July 14, 1971 p. 12)
Concurrent events Irish Ladies' Championship 1971; 1st-2nd Cecile Meulien (Ballyclare), Aileen Noonan (Collegians) (shared title after playoff match ended 1-1)
References Sources and notes. If you have any other documents, reports, references, biographical information, annotations or (in particular) photos, please .

Tournament review

—Wolfgang Heidenfeld, BCM 1971 p. 325

Interesting games

         Killane, Jack – Cootes, Arthur      0-1

         Cootes, Arthur – Murray, Jim G.      ½-½

         McCurdy, Gerald – Henry, Paul      ½-½

         Moles, John – Coldrick, Art      1-0

         Coldrick, Art – Byrne, Ray      1-0

         Moles, John – MacGrillen, Hugh      1-0

         Drew, Martin – Cootes, Arthur      0-1

         Murray, Jim G. – O'Sullivan, Eddie      1-0