City of Dublin Masters 2011

[ Information | Pairings & results | Crosstable | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Openings ]


[ Basic data | Tournament review | Interesting games]

Basic data

City of Dublin Masters 2011
Dates September 2-4, 2011
City Dublin
Venue The Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Organiser Pat Fitzsimons
Arbiter Peter Scott
Players participating 10
Games played 26
Competition format 6-round Swiss. Open to players with (ICU) ratngs of 2000 and over, except that players whose (ICU) ratings were within 100 points of the threshold could play at their own option. Players without ICU ratings were assigned to the appropriate section based on the tournament arbiter's discretion.
Tie break None
Time control 1 hour 45 minutes for all moves
FIDE rated? No
Games available 18, including 1 (Delaney-Magee) incomplete
Concurrent events
Extra information The ICU has a collection of 7 photos of the overall championships.

Above: John Delaney receives the trophy from Peter Scott.
References Sources and notes. If you have any other documents, reports, references, biographical information, annotations or (in particular) photos, please .

Tournament review

See Pat Fitzsimons' tournament report on the ICU web site.

Interesting games

After complications, White rips open the Black K-side:
         O'Donoghue, Denis J. – McCabe, Darren      1-0

In a closed position, White eventually makes his K-side attack tell:
         Gardenes, Manuel – Bluebaum, Bettina      1-0

An unusual defence to the King's Gambit, not a success:
         Cichonski, Bartlomiej – Gardenes, Manuel      1-0

White gets massacred because of weaknesses on the light squares:
         Cafolla, Peter – Delaney, John      0-1

Black gets a knight for three pawns, loses in time trouble:
         Delaney, John – Magee, Rónán      1-0