Heidenfeld – Coldrick, Irish Championship 1973

Andy Ansel has sent another game from the Irish Championship 1973, the round 4 encounter between Wolfgang Heidenfeld and Art Coldrick, which appeared in the South African Chessplayer, May 1974. Many thanks, Andy!

Heidenfeld was defending champion, and was playing in his last Irish championship. After an indifferent start he was 1½ points off the lead after three rounds, but then embarked on a run of three consecutive wins to sit just ½ point off the lead after round 6. He could only draw his last three games, to finish in joint 3rd-4th place with Paul Cassidy, a point behind Hugh MacGrillen.

Heidenfeld - Coldrick, irish Championship 1973

Heidenfeld – Coldrick, Irish Championship 1973
30… ?

The game against Coldrick started the comeback. The diagram shows the critical position. After 30… exf5 31. Qxf5+ Kd8, White’s advantage would be modest enough. Instead after the game’s 30… Nc7? 31. f6, Black was already lost: his pieces become catastrophically tied up. The finish was 31… Bd8 32. Nf4 Ke8 (32… Nb5 33. Nxe6!) 33. Be3 b6 34. Nh5 Kd7 35. Bh6 Qe8 36. Ng7 Qf8 37. Nf5 1‑0.

[Click to replay the full game.]

The tournament report has been updated accordingly.

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